here’s the deal with black friday – (there is no deal)
– every day is what you make of it, literally

like this cheese / charcuterie board

yesterday I was blessed to go to my cousin’s house in verona
(yep a short 12 short minute drive – can I get a woo hoo?)

so anyway I get there and I offer to pitch in – cause you know, I’m like that (between my innate and well trained helpy helperson skills and personality and my 25 + years as a chef)

basically thanksgiving is MY day

and so she hands me containers of olives, and cornichon, artichokes, peppadew, cheeses and meats and dried fruits and says, can you make this look pretty

um, yes, yes I can

what I love about food and cooking is there is an actual end result that you can see and touch and smell and taste

you can measure your success with virtually all your senses

AND there will always be the naysayer who says something like: I hate olives and you put too much wine in the gravy and those potatoes really needed more rosemary

but mostly, it’s personal – your palate belongs to you

and so does your life

you are the only one whose opinion about your experience of your life really matters 🙌

if you desire a reframe and a reminder of all your specialness and how to put it together so that you feel your brilliance radiating out like the sun, I am taking on 2 new clients

pm me

love you

emily – your joyful life coach, healer, strategist, chef and vixen, you know, because 🔥